IC-02.1 card capture reader
5 Lightly lift the card container and take it out.
To insert the card container into the card capture reader proceed as follows:
1. Insert the card container upright into the card capture reader so that the guiding rail
in the base of the card container entered a channel in the lower part of the card
capture reader.
2. Keeping the card container vertical, gently push the bottom part of it all the way, its
upper part will properly lock by the side clips at that.
3. Turn the key in the lock all the way (
the lock); after the lock closing the card
container should lean tightly on the panel (3) without distortions.
4. When necessary to continue operation of the card capture reader switch on its
power supply.
The card capture reader in the original package should be transported only in closed
freight containers or other closed type cargo transport units.
During storage and transportation the boxes can be stacked no more than 5 layers high.
The card capture reader should be stored in dry indoor facilities at ambient temperatures
between –40°C and +45°C and at relative air humidity of up to 98% at +25°C. The storage
room should be free from vapors of acids, alkalis, and gases that cause corrosion.
After transportation or storage at below-zero temperatures or high air humidity, the card
capture reader should be kept unpacked for no less than 24 hours under normal climate
Possible faults to be corrected by the customers themselves are listed in Table 3.
For faults not listed in Table 3 we advise to consult PERCo Technical Support Department.
Table 3. Possible failures and troubleshooting
Probable cause
Power supplies are on, but the card
capture reader does not function, the LED
indicators are off
Faulty connection or
breakdown of power
supply cable (10). Faulty
power supply unit.
Replace the cable (10).
Replace the power supply
The LED indicators are on but the card
capture reader is not controlled by the
ACS controller
Faulty connection or
breakdown of connection
cable (11) of the ACS
Replace the connection
cable (11)
Maintenance of the card capture reader during operation is reduced to periodic cleaning of
its outer surfaces. To remove dirt it is recommended to use liquid cleaners without
abrasives containing ammonia.