Parameterization and Operation
The link between a specific function block and a transducer block is made by channel
4 different types of operation modes are available which are selectable with the resource block
parameter MIO_MODE:
Valve Coupler
In the valve coupler mode, 4 discrete output (DO) function blocks and 1 multiple discrete output
(MDO) function block can be used individually to establish a FOUNDATION Fieldbus
A reference value is specified for the valve position and the current valve position feedback.
The reference value for the valve position is transferred to one of the transducer blocks. This
transducer block then controls the valve and reads back the current position via the position
feedback sensors (PFCs).
In addition, several diagnostic and monitoring functions for the valve can be activated in the
transducer blocks.
Binary Input
In the binary input mode, up to 12 discrete inputs are available. 12 discrete input function
blocks (DI) and 2 multiple discrete input (MDI) function blocks are available.
For 4 inputs, the sampling time is configurable, for the remaining 8, the sampling rate is fixed.
Diagnostic functions like lead short circuit and breakage can be activated in the transducer
The position feedback input values can also be transmitted by using individual discrete input
function blocks (DI) or multiple input function blocks (MDI).
Frequency Input
In the frequency input mode, 1 frequency input and 8 discrete inputs are available. 1 analog
input (AI), 8 discrete inputs (DI), and 1 multiple discrete input (MDI) function block are
Diagnostic functions like lead short circuit and breakage can be activated in the transducer
Counter Input
In the counter input mode, 1 counter input and 8 discrete inputs are available. 1 analog input
(AI), 1 discrete output (DO) function block, 8 discrete input (DI) function blocks, and 1 multiple
discrete input (MDI) function block are available.
The DO function block allows you to reset the counter value.
The diagnostic function lead breakage can be activated in the transducer blocks.
The following sections are focused on the commissioning of the transducer blocks and their
interaction with the function blocks and the resource block. Representation and commissioning
of the function blocks and resource block are specific to the control system. Detailed
information can be found the documentation of the control system. This document includes a
concise list with the explanation of all parameters of the different types of blocks.
To parameterize the MIO device, the associated device description (DD) must be included in
the engineering tool used. If you require to integrate the MIO device in the control system by
yourself, you find the necessary files on the Internet under
For detailed information on the import of the device description, refer to the documentation of
the the control system in use.