Installer Manual Fleck 4600 - MECH - Commissioning
54 / 88
Ref. MKT-IM-027 / B - 01.06.2018
Calcium hypochlorite
Calcium hypochlorite, 70% available chlorine, is available in several forms including tablets and
granules. These solid materials may be used directly without dissolving before use.
Do not let the disinfectant stand for more than 3 hours in the brine tank before the regeneration start.
Measure two grains ~ 0.11 mL for 1 L.
Brine tank softeners
Backwash the softener and add the required amount of hypochlorite to the well of the brine tank. The
brine tank should have water in it to permit the chlorine solution to be carried into the softener.
Proceed with the normal regeneration.
7.2.3. Electro chlorination
Valves or systems already equipped with an electrochlorinator device or system will be sanitized
during the brine draw phase.