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4. Lap belt (2-point) with Automatic
Locking Retractor (ALR).
This type of seat
belt has a latch plate that is sewn to the end
of the belt. To activate ALR retractor for child
seats installation, some vehicle models may
require to pull the belt all the way through;
some other vehicle models may require
to pull the belt for a certain length (check
vehicle owner’s manual for details). Tighten
the belt around the seat feeding the belt back
into the retractor. The belt will not extend
unless you unbuckle the belt and repeat the
operation from the beginning. With these
belts, use of a locking clip is not required.
5. Lap belt (2-point) with Emergency
Locking Retractor (ELR).
This type of seat
belt has a latch plate sewn at the end of the
belt; it will only lock in an emergency (sudden
stop or crash).
Important note:
DO NOT USE Primo Viaggio
SIP Convertible with these belts.
Vehicle seatbelts design and compatibility