AM (Internal 1 kHz or 400 Hz) +FM (External)
A. Press
Key. (then AM Key LED on )
B. Press
C. Press
key.( then FM key LED on ).
D. Press
( then EXT key LED on ).
It is impossible
EXT AM + EXT FM Setting FM STEREO Modulation Normal Mode
1) Press
Key ; It is toggle function Stereo on/off
Stereo on : LED on ( also, FM on )
Stereo off : LED off
2) Press
3) Press
key (
, or
) -- Select ‘ Stereo Mode’
4) Move the cursor to Modulation Display using
5) Enter data with Rotary knob and
In STEREO mode, 100% modulation corresponds to 75 kHz peak deviation.
Main Mode
This Mode is used to test the main (or (L+R)) channel of a stereo receiver. When this mode is
selected the same audio tone is applied to both L and R channels. ; therefore, the stereo signal has
only (L+R) component with pilot tone but no (L-R), or sub, channel component. In this case, main
channel modulation component is 90 % and the 19 kHz pilot tone Component is 10%.
Left Mode
L signal only modulation.
This generates 45% main channel and 45% sub-channel component.
Pilot tone takes up 10%.
When this signal is received by a perfect STEREO receiver, demodulated signal will
appear only on left channel speaker.
Right Mode
R signal only modulation.
The rest is the same as Left Mode case.
Sub Mode
This mode is used to test the sub (or (L-R)) channel of a stereo receiver. When this mode
is selected, the same magnitude but of opposite polarity audio tone is applied to L and R
channel input.
Thereby, there is only Sub-channel or (L-R) channel component and pilot component on
the STEREO signal. No main channel component.
The test of FM Stereo receiver is usually done by the above 4 modes. STEREO receiver L
or R mode is used to test STEREO separation, while L+R and L-R modes are used for
other STEREO tests.