System overview and control
2.1 Unit
Fig. 1: Front Panel Diagram
Power On/Off
Turns the unit on or off
(2) Func
The main output terminal of the function generator. Output levels are 10 Vp-p into 50
circuit or
20 Vp-p into an open circuit.
(3) Sync
Terminal output for synchronous TTL pulses (clock) from 2 Hz to 12 MHz for the PeakTech 1006 and
2 Hz to 24 MHz for the PeakTech 1013.
Input terminal for external voltage control. A 0 to 10 Volt input signal causes a 1:100 frequency
change. This function only applicable when VCG subfunction is on.
Swp Out/Trig In
Output terminal for linear or logarithmic sweeps (Ramp waves). Also used as the trigger input
terminal to accept TTL pulses which trigger or gate the generator.
Ext Freq In
Input terminal for the autoranging frequency counter. The maximum input is no more than 250 V/100
(7) Frequency
Fine tune adjustment for desired frequency, applicable for all ranges.
(8) Width
Sweep width adjustment from 100:1 for linear and logarithmic sweeps.
(9) Rate
Selects sweep time from 10 ms to 5 s.
(10) Symmetry
Varies the Symmetry/Duty Cycle of the output signal (main and clock) from 10 % to 90 %.
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