Erwin XL
Ultralight Electro
- building Instruction
August 2018
1. Kit
– Contents
Fuselage, in two parts, incl. canopy and cover for end of fuselage, 1 piece
Wing, in two parts
Covers for servos on wing, 4 pieces
Levers for rudders, 4 pieces
Installation frame for engine
Fuselage board with 2 sideboards
Cover for opening for receiver
Tube for 2,4 GHz-antennas
Plugs and frames for connection of wing and fuselage, 4 pieces each
Screws, 2 pieces, for fixing the V-tail
Covers for servos on V-tail
Plug for V-tail, 1 piece
Levers, 2 pieces
Connectros / ballast (more ballast available on demand):
Segler / Glider
Normal (Slope)
2x Kohlestab /
carbon rod
2x Stahl kurz /
steel short
1x Stahl lang /
steel long
(auf Anfrage / on demand)
2x Kohlestab /
carbon rod
1x Kohlestab /
carbon rod
2x Stahl kurz /
steel short
1x Kohlestab /
carbon rod
1x Stahl kurz /
steel short
1x Kohlerohr /
carbon pipe
1x Koh Stahl innen /
carbon pipe + steel core
1x Stahl kurz /
steel short
1x Kohlerohr /
carbon pipe
Building instruction (please download from our homepage)
2. What else do you need:
Controls of the wing:
Connectors for push rods, M2,5mm, 8 pieces
Welding rod, d=2mm
On-off switch / socket for loading
Cables (electricity)
Cable for antenna, possibly steel wire for extension of
Epoxy-glue (for example UHU 300 endfest or Stabilit, no
fast hardening epoxy resin)
Cotton flocks to thicken glue
Connector for push rods, M2,5mm