User guide iCT2xx
Page 32 of 40
Special scenarios
Fallback to magnetic stripe
terminal accepts the magnetic card stripe on smart cards if the terminal can’t read the chip
on the card.
If a card has chip, it shall always be inserted in the chip reader first. If the terminal fails to read
the card three times, purchase with magnetic stripe is allowed. The terminal will display “USE
Offline transactions
If the terminal loses or can’t connect to host the terminal will enter offline modus and perform
offline sales for the card types that support this type of transactions. The respective card
issuers have limits and restrictions. These cannot be overridden by the terminal.
An offline transaction is stored in the terminals memory until the terminal (re)connects to host.
Within five minutes after reestablished connection, the terminal will send the stored offline
transactions. If the terminal has stored offline transactions, this might temporary prevent
Manual flushing of stored offline transaction is performed by menu function
(Send offline