Completing the installation
Model 2960/2996 RAS Getting Started Guide
3 • Configuring the RAS for operation
If the RAS does not respond as described, the most likely cause is that
the RAS default settings are not compatible with the T1/E1 line. If
this is the case, use the RS-232 CONFIG port to correct the RAS set-
tings. You will have to examine the T1/E1 Link section in the config-
uration pages in the RAS.
There are two LEDs on the RAS 10/100 Ethernet port: a green LED that indicates line speed, and a yellow
LED that indicates link status and activity.
Verify that the yellow LED is either flashing yellow (meaning that packets are being received at the Ether-
net port) or solid yellow (meaning that the link is valid but no packets are being received).
Your RAS is now installed. For more in-depth information about configuring your RAS set-
tings, refer to the
Access Server Administrator’s Reference Guide
included on your RAS CD-ROM. Otherwise,
refer to Chapter 4, “Operation and shutdown” for information on activating and de-activating your remote
access server.