The Node
ForeSight 6100 EMS User Guide
8 • Tree structure reference
Only one operation can be done on a single box at a single time. To
that end if either button is clicked both will be disabled until that
operation completes.
During a
Get Configuration
Set Configuration
operation, a password window will be displayed prompting
for a password. This password should be the “write” community string (the superuser password). (This string is
not stored internally in any way). A valid configuration will only be returned if the proper write community
string is used. If the read community string is used, the ForeSight 6100 EMS will download an invalid config-
uration. In either case a success message is displayed to the user.
Because of the way that HTTP works, the Set Configuration will
return after the proper opening of a stream,
when the file is com-
pletely downloaded. Also, during a set request only the topmost
selected configuration will be downloaded to the box.
Figure 59. Firmware dialog
Firmware images for the selected box are listed on this tab (see
figure 59
). Firmware images are stored by node
type, so every node of the same type will have the same firmware listing (see section
“Import Firmware Image”
on page 26 for details on importing firmware images). From this tab, firmware can be uploaded to the box, but
the user will be prompted for authentication.