actuator stem (16). Counter two stem nuts (24) approximately
halfway down the threads of the stem (34).
Reverse Acting
Apply sufficient air pressure to diaphragm case to start moving
valve through its rated travel. This is shown by travel indicator
(32). Engage lower stem nut (24) and turn body stem (34) into
actuator stem (16) until pre-compression of actuator springs (3)
is relieved (plug should not be seating on seat ring when air
pressure is removed from actuator case). Apply prescribed
setting pressure to actuator. This is determined by specific
operating conditions. Turn body stem out of actuator stem until
plug seats on seat ring (28). To prevent galling, do not turn body
stem after plug has contacted seat ring. Turn stem nuts up plug
& stem assembly and tighten to lock them in position. Reduce
air signal to 0 psi and calibrate indicator scale (20). Check that
full travel is achieved with a 15 psi signal (for 22-30 spring
range, use 30 psi signal).
Direct Acting
Engage lower stem nut (24) and turn body stem (34) into
actuator stem (16) until plug & stem assembly stops at upper
limit of travel and/or a slight downward movement of actuator
stem is detected. Turn stem nuts up body stem and tighten
them to lock in position. Calibrate indicator scale (20). Check
that full travel is achieved at a 3 psi signal.
It is solely the responsibility of the system designer and the user to select products and materials suitable for their specific application requirements and
to ensure proper installation, operation and maintenance of these products. Assistance shall be afforded with the selection of the materials based on the
technical information supplied to Spence Engineering Company, Inc.; however, the system designer and user retain final responsibility. The designer
should consider applicable Codes, material compatibility, product ratings and application details in the selection and application. Improper selection,
application or use of the products described herein can cause personal injury or property damage. If the designer or user intends to use the product for
an application or use other than originally specified, he must reconfirm that the selection is suitable for the new operating conditions.