The ASLD 2200 is designed to monitor the position of a sludge blanket in a settlement tank.
The system uses an infrared gap type sensor to search for and then track, the interface between
the sludge and the water.
This information is then provided via both an LED display and a 4-20 mA output signal.
Output Signal
The ASLD 2200 provides a 4-20 mA output signal that is proportional to the location of the top
of the sludge blanket. With a normal setup the 4mA value relates to the bottom of the tank and
20 mA to the water surface.
The ASLD 2200 Monitor can be used with the Soli-Tech 20 sensor, minor modifications will
allow use with the older IR sensor series.
The function of the ASLD 2200 is identical for Soli-Tech 20 and IR Sensors. References to IR
sensors are retained to allow this manual to be compatible with older units.
Manual Conventions
The manual has been written on the basis that the user has a basic knowledge of instrumentation
and an understanding of the type of measurement being made. Training in the use of the ASLD
2200 Monitor can be provided by Partech, please contact sales for further information.
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