The circuit board has four sets of links that need to be set in the correct position for the
Link Group A
When a jumper is placed across this link the limit relay will activate when the bottom limit
LED is on – display is reading 0%.
The factory default is for this jumper to be in place.
Link Group B
When a jumper is placed across this link the limit relay will activate when the top limit LED is
on – display is reading 100%.
The factory default is for this jumper to be in place.
Link Groups C and D
These links work as a pair and both must either be to the left or to the right. These only effect
operation with the rotary switch on ‘automatic’. Other settings of the rotary switch will override
this feature.
The factory setting is both to the left.
Both to left
On power up, either during commissioning or after a power failure the sensor with immediately
start to search for the sludge blanket.
Both to the right
On power up, either during commissioning or after a power failure the sensor will lift to the top
limit. It will then wait for the down button to be pressed.
Controls and Settings
Page 11
Link A
Link B
Link C
Link D