Parker Hannifi n Corporation
Velcon Filtration Division
Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA
Velcon Filtration Division
Filter Vessel Installation & Operation Manual
VEL2199 0414
the valve on the outlet line.
5. When the unit is in operation, open the pressure
gauge, take a differential pressure reading and
record the reading. If there is no pressure differen-
tial, the system should be shut down and the Filter
inspected for broken seals or possibly elements left
out. See Differential Pressure Readings on Page 5
Below are the Velcon recommendations for operating
procedures. Your Company Maintenance and/or Quality
Control procedures may provide alternate instructions on
these matters.
1. FILTER CARTRIDGES should be changed in accor-
dance with one of the following (whichever comes
fi rst):
A. When the differential pressure reaches the level
specifi ed on the cover page of this manual.
For Filters equipped with differential pressure
gauges, see paragraph 2 below.
B. When the fl ow rate is reduced to an unaccept-
able level because the cartridges are plugged
with contaminant.
C. Whenever
effl uent product is unacceptably
pressure is the difference between the pressure
upstream and downstream of the Filter. Differential
pressure increases when contaminant is fi ltered by
the fi lter cartridges and causes fl ow restriction.
Readings should be taken when the system
is fl owing at maximum capacity. If the Filter is
equipped with a direct reading differential pressure
gauge, the reading shown on the gauge is the dif-
ferential pressure across the Filter.
If the Filter is equipped with a pressure gauge and
a selector valve, use the following procedure for
determining differential pressure:
A. Turn the handle one way and record the pres-
sure reading.
B. Turn the handle the other way (90° or 180°,
depending on the type of valve) and record the
pressure reading.
C. Subtract the lower reading from the higher
reading to determine differential pressure. (The
higher reading is inlet pressure.)
If the fi lter/separator is equipped with a pressure
gauge and a selector valve, use the following
procedure for determining differential pressure:
A. Turn the handle one way and record the
pressure reading.
B. Turn the handle the other way (90° or 180°,
depending on the type of valve) and record the
pressure reading.
C. Subtract the lower reading from the higher
reading to determine differential pressure. The
higher reading is inlet pressure.
Differential pressure readings should be taken at
least once during every operating week and more
frequently in high throughput installations or when
the differential is increasing rapidly. Records of
the differential pressure and throughput should be
maintained to determine when cartridges should
be changed.
A sudden drop in pressure differential is an indica-
tion of a possible problem. Check fi rst to be sure
that readings were taken at equivalent fl ow rates.
If so, shut the system down, open the Filter, and
inspect for the following:
A. Collapsed or ruptured cartridges caused by
severe pressure differential or shocks in excess
of design limits.
B. Ruptured seals. Check to see that all O-ring
seals and gaskets seals are in place and have
the same alignment as when the elements and
parts were installed.
C. Broken end plates. Inspect all of the end plates
of the elements.
D. If any of the above are observed, check the
system for possible hydraulic shock condi-
tions. If the system is not provided with ad-
equate surge controls, the sudden start-up of a
high-pressure pump can create extremely high
A. Shut off the pump.
B. Close the inlet and outlet pipe valves.
C. Open the drain valves and remove the product
from the Filter.
D. Open the manual air eliminator valve. This will
permit the unit to drain faster.