K3.1.141e Manual NitroFlow HP_EN.doc
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Please note that the 6 alarms will not be monitored before 60 seconds after the
generator has switched to status RUN.
In case of an alarm the generator will give a sound, the alarm relay will be activated
and the symbol
will start flashing. By pressing the symbol
you will open the
alarm screen and a alarm message is shown. There are 2 options to select:
ACCEPT: The sound will stop but the alarm is still there
RESET: Alarm will disappear and sound will stop. This can only be done if the actual
problem was solved.
6.2.5 Pressure switch menu
Touch pressure switch menu button in settings screen
Activate and set the pressure switch function
In the pressure switch menu you can set the levels of the outlet pressure at which
the generator will start and stop. To change the settings, touch the button on the left
side of the text.
Button Selection
Yes Pressure
function is activated
No Pressure
function is not activated
Unit on 0-11 Bar(g) /
0-160 PSIG
Pressure level at which the unit will start
Unit off 0-11 Bar(g) /
0-160 PSIG
Pressure level at which the unit will stop