Parker Pro Display 12 Instruction Book
Procedure for installing the Micro SD/ Micro SDHC card to Pro Display:
A. Remove the cover plug. You may need a small coin or preferably a screwdriver
with a size 3 standard head for opening this cover.
B. Place the Micro SD card into the slot as presented in figure B (the contacts are
towards the product label).
C. Push the Micro SD card evenly into the card slot, figure C.
D. Continue pressing the Micro SD card until it has set on its bottom position, figure
E. Secure the Micro SD card slot with cover plug. Tighten the plug lightly with small
coin or screwdriver to prevent it loosening during operation.
Figure 26 (subfigures A to E): Micro SD card installation into connection C1 on the rear
side of the Pro Display. (Current product version includes black cover plug).
Removal procedure happens in backwards order and the Micro SD card shall be pulled
to get it out as there is no spring action in this connection.
Micro SD card is not included to Parker Pro Display unit delivery.
Warning! Risk of damage to equipment or degradation of signal.
User must always close the Micro SD card connection with cover plug to maintain the
unit IP rating and functionality. Parker do not take any responsibility if cover plug is
not properly placed back into unit after accessing to Micro SD connection.
Warning! Risk of damage to equipment or degradation of signal.
Be careful to place the Micro SD card into its place correctly (see figures B, C & D)
before closing the cover screw part.