There are 2 types of outputs on the DPS70. There are two high-side outputs and a
5V sensor supply output.
High-side outputs
Sensor supply output
3.1. High-Side Outputs
The DPS70 has 2 high-side outputs:
High-Side Output 1 to High-Side Output 2
High-side outputs are used for switching voltages to loads using either a pulse
width modulated (PWM) signal, or an on/off signal. They can also test for various
fault conditions.
3.1.1. High-Side Output Capabilities
All high-side outputs come with internal flyback diodes that provide protection
when driving inductive loads.
When a high-side output is used as a PWM signal, a pulsed output signal is
provided by the DPS70, where the percentage of time that the output is “on”
vs. “off” is determined by the duty cycle of the signal. The duty cycle is
determined by the software
When a high-side output is used as an on/off signal, the output provides
battery voltage when in the “on” state (the software is responsible for
switching high-side outputs on and off)
3. Outputs