ACR8000 Hardware Manual
P/N PM08119 Version 1.00
Motherboard Jumpers
Address Select (SW1)
Figure 1.1 Address select switch
The ACR8000 can receive and transmit data through I/O ports on a PC BUS. The
addresses of these ports are selectable using SW1 on the ACR8000 motherboard. The
data port is used to both transmit and receive. Both the transmit and receive channels are
connected to 512 byte First In / First Out (FIFO) hardware buffers.
The status port is used to see if data is waiting to be received from the card and if it is OK
to send data to the card. The byte read from the status port is defined as follows:
BIT Definition
Transmit Not Full
Clear to send one byte
Transmit Not Half Full
Clear to send up to 255 bytes
Receive Not Empty
Data available
Transmit Not Empty
Still something in the buffer
Table 1.1 PC BUS status port bits
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