Bulletin TI-FID1000J
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Technical Information
FID1000 and 2500 Gas Stations
Do not use plastic tubing downstream from the generator.
Outgassing from the plastic may
contaminate the zero-grade gas. Use PTFE tape on all inlet and outlet NPT fittings. (Thread sealing
compounds may contaminate the process stream).
The use of plastic piping components or unclean copper or stainless steel piping components
will result in the FID Gas Station failing to meet zero air purity specifications.
Connect downstream delivery lines (Zero Air Outlet) to the 1/8" compression union port on the middle
of the generator.
Piping Components, FID 1000 and FID 2500 / Hydrogen -
The outlet connection for the FID 1000
and FID 2500 / Hydrogen is a 1/8" compression fitting (see Figure 10). All tubing and fittings down-
stream from the hydrogen generator should be clean stainless steel to minimize contamination of the
hydrogen stream. If copper tubing has been used with hydrogen in the past and has yielded accept-
able results, there is no need to alter an existing piping configuration to install the hydrogen generator.
Flow Controller -
A flow control device should be installed downstream from the zero air outlet if one
is not integral to the instrumentation used (P/N Model W-FM7583). If the flow capacity of the genera-
tor is exceeded, the FID 1000 and FID 2500 / ZAG will fail to meet its hydrocarbon specification
(0.1 ppm for FID 1000, or 0.05 ppm for FID 2500).
Pressure Regulator -
The FID 1000 and FID 2500 / Hydrogen pressure is preset to 66 psig inter-
nally. In order to optionally regulate the output pressure, the customer needs to install a pressure
regulator down stream from the unit. The output pressure can be monitored using the front panel
digital display.
There is an internal
Pressure Relief Valve
that is preset to 150 psig (10 Barg) in case
of excess internal pressure build up. The expelled gas is channeled through the pressure relief port,
hydrogen vent, located in the back of the unit.
Figure 10 - Rear View of Unit