Bulletin TI-FID1000J
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Technical Information
FID1000 and 2500 Gas Stations
Regulatory Compliance
The FID Gas Stations are certified to the electrical safety requirements as specified by the
IEC, CSA, and UL standards. These units bear the CSA marking on the product label. Prod-
ucts supplied to Europe carry the CE mark (220, 230, 240 VAC units only). The generator
meets EMC compliance.
Zero Air System
The Parker Balston FID Gas Station includes all of the components necessary to purify
compressed air into zero-grade hydrocarbon-free air. The generator comprises three primary
functional groups: prefiltration, hydrocarbon removal and final filtration (see Figure 2).
A high efficiency coalescing filter has been incorporated into the design of the Parker Balston
FID 1000 and FID 2500 as a prefilter to remove oil, water, and particulate contamination from
the incoming compressed air supply. The prefilter assembly is equipped with an solenoid au-
todrain to eliminate any liquids which have accumulated within the filter housing. The solenoid
drain opens to dump condensate once per hour for 1 second. If the condensate capacity
exceeds the volume of the filter housing, condensate can be carried into the catalyst module.
Refer to the compressed air utility section to eliminate this occurrence.
The catalyst module is a stainless steel housing filled with proprietary catalyst and assembled
with a heater. The catalyst module oxidizes hydrocarbons from the compressed air supply into
carbon dioxide and water. The module is sized to deliver 1000 cc/min or 2500 cc/min of zero-
grade hydrocarbon-free air to the instrumentation downstream.
The final filter on the Parker Balston FID Gas Station is a high efficiency sintered metal filter
which removes particulate contamination to 0.5 micron. This final filter ensures that the outlet
air from the Parker Balston Gas Station is particle-free.
Hydrocarbon Removal
Final Filtration
Figure 2 - Flow Schematic Zero Air