• 32 Sensor Events - A sensor event will control a channel based on programmable on/off sensor
levels. Each sensor event can be assigned to any day or combination of days, including the three
holiday schedules.
• Optional Daylight Savings Correction - Programmable as a day of the month (i.e. 1st Sunday in
April / last Sunday in October)
• Leap Year Correction to the Year 2100
• 10 Single Day Holidays - (e.g. July 4th)
• 10 Day of Month Type Holidays - (e.g. last Monday in May)
• 10 Holiday Durations - Programmable from 1 to 366 days (e.g. June 9th to August 27th)
• 6 Specific Holidays - Each holiday can be optionally selected
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Boxing Day
Victoria Day
Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday
• 3 Holiday Schedules - Each of these 36 holidays can be assigned to one of three holiday sched-
ules (A,B or C). For example, if July 4th is assigned to holiday schedule A, then on July 4th only
those events and sensor events containing holiday A in their day fields will be executed.
• Keyboard Override - Toggles the current output state; begins immediately when initiated and
remains in effect until overridden again or until the next programmed event occurs.