Creating Service Level Management Reports
May 1999
SLM Report Filters
The report filter data feature is available for all report type from the report setup
pages. A report type must be selected before the filter criteria can be created.
The filters available are based on the report type selected.
The Operator column uses one of three operator types based on the type of
column or expression entered for the Left Operand:
Logical: And, Or
Numeric: Equals, Not Equal, Greater Than. etc.
String: Match, MatchAdvanced, etc.
To be valid, the Right Operand type needs to correspond with the Operator type.
Note that the string NA can be used with the Numeric Operator to filter out report
rows containing NA. For example:
Select Left Operand
PVC Name (Use a column heading to sort on)
The filter example above would find all NA entries in the PVC Name column and
the report would exclude all rows with NA.
To create a new Filter:
1. Select a Report Type from any Report Setup page and select the New Filter
button. Enter a filter name.
In the example, PVC Tx Activity (by % CIR) Detail is selected and given the
Filter Name multi2.
2. There is one Main Expression and 8 Sub Expressions.
— If only one expression is needed, complete just the Main Expression.
— If additional criteria are needed, complete the Sub Expressions.
Sub Expressions must be tied together using the ’And’ and ’Or’
Complete the Main Expression by tying together the highest level
Sub Expressions. All Sub Expressions must be directly or indirectly tied
to the Main Expressions.
3. Once the expressions are completed, select the Verify button. The
expression will be displayed or indicate errors.
4. Select a Sort Column and/or Sort Order and select the Save Filter option.
Refer to online Help for further details.