May 1999
Using Historical Charts
What is a Historical Chart?
A Historical Chart displays a single graph that provides details of previous activity
on network interfaces and DLCIs that have been collected using the Historical
daemon and Historical Data Collection components.
There are two types of Historical Charts:
Daily Details – shows historical data collected on a specific day.
Weekly Averaged – provides a trended chart. That is, data is averaged over
each day in that period.
This chapter describes how to access, view, and manage Historical Charts. See
Chapter 3,
Using Real Time Charts
for information on collecting and displaying
performance statistics in real time.
See Chapter 2,
Using the Navigation Wizard
for details on options, starting the
Historical daemon, enabling data collections, and launching Historical Charts.
Accessing Historical Charts
To display a Historical Chart, you must use the Navigation Wizard as follows:
1. Enable the Historical daemon. The Historical daemon actively polls the
devices you specify for data and stores the information.
2. Set up data collections for the device interfaces and DLCIs on which you
want to collect historical data.
3. Select a device interface or DLCI from the Device Display Area, which has
been enabled for data collections.
4. Launch a Historical Chart using the Launch Graph dialog.
You also have the ability to set other options through the Navigation Wizard,
which affect the display of a Historical Chart, including configuring burst and
frame options for FrameSaver devices and managing PVC connections.