Upload/Download Page 27
Chapter 6: Upload/Download
Fast upload/download can be configured via WinLoad or NEware
using a GPRS connection. Upload and download can be achieved
on both public and private networks. To find out the type of
provider network you are currently set up on, contact your local
SIM card provider for more information.
Public Network
(GPRS mode only)
In order to connect to the GPRS network, you must verify the
connection by receiving the IP address of the PCS250 GPRS/GSM
Communicator Module. Before beginning any upload/download
procedures you must ensure that the registration parameters of
the PCS250 have been set.
It is important that the router used with the PCS250
application (WinLoad and NEware) has been set up for port
forwarding to ensure proper system functionality.
To receive the IP address of the PCS250 via text message you
must use a cellular phone and enter:
P[TCP/IP password].IP.[phone number to answer back]
e.g., Padmin.IP.5551231234
The PCS250 will send a response to the specified phone number
displaying the IP address of the module. This information must
be entered into the WinLoad application. The IP address can then
be used to configure remote software access.