NVX80 Installation Manual
After closing the Wall Tamper, this message will appear.
When any of the tampers are detected as open, a relay configured as a Tamper will trigger. The wall tamper switch can be excluded
from this relay sequence by disabling it in the Input menu.
4.5 Service Notifications
The following notifications appear when the functionality of the NVX80 unit is compromised. These indicators can
help troubleshoot during installation or during operation.
Appears in Operation Mode when the unit’s voltage is below 10v. It may also appear
after an alarm or at the end of the power up sequence if the voltage was low.
The Test Bus tool, reached in the Diagnostics Menu, can be used to discern the unit’s
current voltage.
Appears in Operation Mode when a strong light source is in front of the unit.
Appears in Operation Mode when the unit detects a reduction in lens transparency,
i.e., below 50% of factory-set levels. If this condition exists, this message will appear
at the end of the power up sequence.
Appears in Operation Mode if any of the Digiplex wires are disconnected or invalid.
This message will appear only once at the end of the power up sequence. Once the
Digiplex bus is connected properly, this message will only appear if it is once again
disconnected or invalid
Contact service provider. Appears on unit failures, i.e. self-test failure.