Table of Contents
Technical Specifications
Parallel Port:
Minimum 80 column printer
Serial Port:
1 start bit, 8 data bit, no parity and 1 stop bit (8N1)
Input Voltage:
9 -16 Vdc
Current Consumption:
60mA maximum
Serial Port Baud Rates:
2400, 9600, 19200 or 57600 bps
Event Buffer:
2048 events
Digiplex EVO48, EVO96, EVO192 control panels
DGP-848 control panel (V4.11 and up)
DGP-NE96 control panel (V1.60 and up)
The APR-PRT3 Printer Module can be used as an interface between a home automation module and your Digiplex system. When in home
automation mode, the Printer Module can receive and send commands to and from the home automation module and the Digiplex control
panel, linking your home automation capabilities with your security system.
The Printer Module features 16 onboard virtual inputs. These inputs are not related to any physical input on the module, but operate in the
same manner and are programmed in the same way as traditional zone inputs. A virtual input can be programmed to trigger a response
from the Digiplex control panel based on an event that has occurred within the home automation module. For example, your home
automation module may consist of a temperature sensor which you could associate with a virtual input. If the temperature fell to a certain
level, the home automation module would send a command to open/close one of the Printer Module’s virtual inputs and could trigger a
Digiplex zone programmed with a 24-hr. freeze to generate an alarm. Using virtual inputs to trigger events within the Digiplex control panel
involves associating the Printer Module’s virtual input to a zone or a keyswitch on the control panel. See “Virtual Input Programming” on
page 3.
The Printer Module also features 30 virtual PGMs for use with its home automation interface capabilities. These PGMs are not related to any
physical output on the module, but operate in the same manner and are programmed in the same way as a traditional PGM. A virtual PGM
can be used to trigger a response within the home automation module based on an event that has occurred within the Digiplex system. For
example, when a user uses the Digiplex system to disarm an area, this event could activate a virtual PGM on the Printer Module and trigger
a response within the home automation system, such as turning on a specific light on the premises. See “Virtual PGM Programming” on
page 6.
In order for the home automation module and the Digiplex control panel to communicate through the Printer Module, the home automation
module must be programmed to communicate using the ASCII Protocol. See “ASCII Protocol” on page 11.
For a complete list of the Printer Module’s event reporting features, see the Printer Module V1.0 (APR-PRT3) Instructions.
Technical Specifications ............................................ 1
Installation ................................................................. 2
Overview ................................................................... 2
Programming Sections .............................................. 2
Serial Port Setup ....................................................... 3
Virtual Input Programming ......................................... 3
Virtual PGM Programming ........................................ 6
ASCII Protocol ......................................................... 11
Printer Module to Digiplex
Panel Communication Status .............................. 11
Commands sent to the Printer Module
from the Home Automation Module ..................... 11
Virtual Input Open ................................................... 11
Virtual Input Closed ................................................. 11
Request Area Status ............................................... 12
Request Zone Status ............................................... 12
Request Zone Label ................................................ 12
Request Area Label ................................................. 13
Request User Label ................................................. 13
Area Arm ................................................................. 13
Area Quick Arm ....................................................... 13
Area Disarm ............................................................. 14
Emergency Panic .................................................... 14
Medical Panic .......................................................... 14
Fire Panic ................................................................ 15
Smoke Reset ........................................................... 15
Utility Key ................................................................. 15
Commands sent from the Printer Module
to the Home Automation Module ......................... 15
Virtual PGM Events ................................................. 15
System Events ......................................................... 16
PGM Activation Event .............................................. 22
PGM Deactivation Option ........................................ 22
PGM Deactivation Event ......................................... 22
PGM Programming Table ........................................ 22