Operations Manual, HPA3, Mini Compact Outdoor SSPA
208143 REV -
75 Description of MIB entities
- This field includes general device information.
- Octet string type; maximum length -60; field specifies device model and serial
number; read only access; OID -
- Octet string type; maximum length 60; filed allow customer to store
information about device physical location or any other textual information related to
the device; read/write access; OID -
- Octet string type; maximum length 60; field specifies device firmware revi-
sion; read only access; OID -
- Enumeration, integer type; field allows simple detection of SNMP device type.
Values: rmsspa(1), cosspa(2), rcp2fprc(3), rcp21000rm(4), rcp21000co(5),
rcp21000rcp(6), buc(7), minicosspa(8); read/write access. Setting the ID to any other
value will default type to cosspa. OID -
- This field is subdivided into 5 branches: paradiseDevice, paradiseDeviceA,
paradiseDeviceB paradiseDeviceC and modem. paradiseDevice branch currently is
used for all Paradise Datacom LLC SNMP enabled devices except Modems. See the
Evolution Modem manual for specific MIB information. Branches for Devices A, B and
C are reserved for future use.
- Field contents tables hold specific device information: Settings, Thresholds
and Conditions. All table formats follow a common pattern: Index, Value, TextValue.
The threshold table has an additional column for parameter validation. The conditions
table has an extra column for event counters.
The Index column provides general table indexing; the Value column presents the
current value of the relevant parameter; the TextValue column provides information
about parameter name, measurement units and limits.
Value “1” in the validation column of the thresholds table indicates that relevant
parameter is valid under the current system configuration; value “2” indicates that
parameter is invalid or “Not available”.
The event counter column of the conditions table indicates how many times a value of
a relevant parameter changed its state since system power-up.
- Table contents current device configuration and provides device management. For
detailed settings table info for SNMP device see
Table 8-11
for deviceType =
minicosspa. Read/write access for settingsValue column.
- Table provides information about device internal limits and subsystems info. For
detailed table information refer to
Table 8-12
. Read only access.
- Table contents device fault status information. Read only access. For detailed
conditions table info see
Table 8-13