P300 Series Modem Installation and Operating Handbook
Page 69
When using Offset QPSK (OQPSK) modulation, the in phase and quadrature components of each
symbol do not change together (as with QPSK), but instead one component is delayed by half a symbol
compared to the other. Looking at a constellation (vector) diagram this effectively limits the
change of phase to /-90 degrees, excluding the 180 degree phase change which
takes the vector transition through the zero amplitude point (equating to an instantaneous null in the RF
envelope). By preventing the carrier phase change moving through the null power point, large amplitude
variations of the output carrier are avoided. Consequently on links which exhibit some non-linearity (and
therefore probably some AM to PM conversion), there is reduced amplitude modulation (AM) to get
converted to Phase Modulation (PM) which would otherwise degrade the distant Eb/No as a phase
noise effect.
6.6.11 Change, Tx/Rx, Modulator, FEC Menu
The operator is first prompted to select the Forward Error Correction (FEC) type, and the choices are
Select FEC Type: [?]
1=None 2=Viterbi 3=Sequential 4=TCM Rate 2/3 5=Turbo
Change, Tx/Rx, Mod/Demod, FEC Type Menu
(if Viterbi FEC option fitted)
(if Sequential FEC option fitted)
(Trellis Code Modulation if the 8PSK/TCM feature is available, Rate 2/3 only)
(Turbo Product Code FEC, if the Turbo option is available)
accepts the current FEC type, and where there is a choice of FEC rates leads onto the
FEC Code Rate selection screen. Note that 8PSK and TCM must be used together, and that for TCM
only rate
is available.
For a review of the
processing delay associated with the Sequential decoder
, and how this is
minimised, please refer to "FaultMode = 3" in Appendix E.
If interworking with other manufacturers equipment it is worth reading the notes in the section
Interworking different manufacturers equipment on page 155 which covers primarily scrambling, but
also the requirements for Spectrum Invert with Viterbi/Sequential in BPSK and QPSK. If specifically
interworking with Comstream equipment with sequential FEC, see also Appendix E for Fault Mode 11"
(Comstream compatible sequential mode).
FEC the FEC rate selection screen is as follows:
Select FEC Rate: [?]
1=1/2 Rate 2=3/4 Rate 3=7/8 Rate
Change, Tx/Rx, Mod/Demod, FEC Rate Menu (Vit/Seq)
The FEC code rate may be select as 1/2, 3/4, or
Rate, again pressing
will accept the current
FEC rate and return to the Change, Tx, Modulator menu. Most INTELSAT services use the more
powerful 1/2 rate or 3/4 rate FEC (increasing the data rate by factors of 2 and 4/3 respectively).
The operator is warned of unusual combinations of Modulation and FEC type/code rate when
is requested.