The LCD screen's Home Page has four sections:
Event Log
Status Page:
1. Operating
Standby mode (the UPS is connected to utility power, but is not turned
AC Normal mode
AVR mode Boost 1
AVR mode Boost 2
AVR mode Buck 1
AVR mode Buck 2
Battery mode
Fault mode
2. Load T (Combined total of the load on all three output banks), 1 (Load
on output bank 1), 2 (Load on output bank 2), 3 (Load on output bank 3).
3. Battery: Voltage and Capacity.
4. Input: Voltage and Frequency.
5. Output: Voltage and Frequency.
6. Last UPS Test Results.
7. Load Bank Status: ON / OFF.
8. Estimated Runtime: The amount of estimated time the UPS will
operate in the Battery mode.
9. Battery Aging Coefficient: Using the battery install date and periodic
monitoring of the batteries to get early warning alarms for battery
Configuration Page:
1. Audible Alarm: Turn On/Off the audible alarm (for the Battery mode
With the exception of the On-Battery alarm all the other
Warning/Fault alarms cannot be silenced. Once the Warning/Fault
condition has been corrected the alarm will reset to default.
2. Load Bank On/Off Setting: Enable or Disable the Load Shedding
3. Battery Install Date: Set the date the batteries were replaced.
4. Reset Battery Aging Coefficient: Reset the Battery Aging Coefficient
once the batteries have been replaced.
5. External Battery Pack Number: Set the number of External Battery
Packs that are connected to the UPS.
6. Reset to Default: Resets the changes to the Configuration back to the
factory default settings (Must be in the Standby mode).
7. Service Mode (The UPS must be in the Standby mode to enter the
Service mode): Enter the password (default 0000) and then hit the
enter key.
Output Voltage: Set the Battery mode output voltage 120V (Default) /
125V. Once set hit the enter key to save the changes.
Load Shedding: Turn off Load Bank 1 and/or Load Bank 2. Once set
hit the enter key to save the changes.
Password Setup: Change the password. Enter the old password first
and then hit the enter key. Enter the new password and then hit the
enter key to save the changes.
Sensitivity: Set the input sensitivity level to L1 or L2. Once set hit the
enter key to save the changes.
Event Log Page:
1. Fault Log 1,2,3: View the current or previous faults.
2. Warning Log 1,2,3: View the current or previous warnings.
About Page:
1. UPS Model: Displays the model name of the UPS.
2. UPS Serial No.: Displays the serial number of the UPS.
3. Battery Part No.: Displays the battery module part number.
4. Battery Install Date: Displays the date the battery module was
5. UPS Firmware: Displays the UPS's firmware version.
Selecting the 'Reset to Default' will reset the following items to the factory
default settings:
Configurable Settings Factory Default Settings
Audible Alarm
Load Bank 1
Load Bank 2
Battery Install Date
Battery Aging Coefficient
External battery Packs No.
Output Voltage 120V
Load Shedding Enabled
Password Setup
Sensitivity L1
Sensitivity L2
Auto Restart Enabled
Power On Delay Time
0 – Seconds
Fault Logs 1,2,3
Empty, no faults listed
Warning Logs 1,2,3
Empty, no warnings listed