Hot plate
The LE 7406 is a device used to assess a rodent’s response to pain induced by heating
the rodent’s legs. The nociceptive stimulus comes from a metallic surface which is
electrically heated in its entirety. The animal is placed on the metallic surface and the
latency of the motor response induced by the pain is measured.
Figure 6. LE7406 Hot Plate.
The stimulation surface can be heated to a temperature (between 45ºC and 62ºC)
which is user-selectable, and which the device will maintain constant (± 0.1ºC)
throughout the test. The user starts a timer (by pressing a PEDAL) when the animal is
placed on the metal surface. Following a period of latency, the animal licks its leg. This
reaction is the usual evaluation criterion for the test. The user presses the PEDAL
again to cut off the time once the animal's response is visually detected.
The response time (determined with a precision of 0.01 sec.) is displayed on an LCD
screen until the next test. The information can be transmitted to a serial printer or a
PC via an RS 232 communications port and the SEDACOM software (not included,
should be purchased separately).
The temperature of the Hot Plate hot plate is adjustable
between 45 °C and 62 °C. In case of broke down a resettable thermal
protection system prevents the temperature exceeds 70 º C. Take caution
when touching the hot surface.