7. Add RAM capacity expansion mode
(Operating Instructions – Perform management of the extension software and the schedule
setting [Ext. software] – Perform the installation, uninstallation and version upgrade of the
extension software [Software mng.])
RAM capacity expansion mode has been added to the software management screen.
This mode increases the amount of RAM available to the Ext. software.
Unique information
[RAM capacity expansion mode]
Set On/Off whether to expand the RAM capacity.
• When “RAM capacity expansion mode” is set to “On”, the recording function to SD memory card by this
product cannot be used.
• If the minus is displayed in the “Remaining RAM” value, uninstall the ext. software or set the remaining
RAM to “On”.
• Click the [Set] button to restart the product. After restarting, the product cannot be operated for about 2
minutes, same way as when the power is turned on.
• For information about the Ext. software that requires the “RAM capacity expansion mode” to be set to
“On”, refer to our support website.