Step 1 Disconnect connector (CN5502 at Digital Amp P.C.B.).
Step 2 Remove 2 screws.
(The below illustration is for GS/ GCS & GCT only.)
Step 1 Remove 1 screw.
Step 4 Remove the front panel unit.
Note: Ensure 2 claws located at the bottom chassis is seated
into the 2 slots at bottom of front panel at 2 catches (one on
each side) of bottom chassis to be aligned to front panel’s slot.
Assembly is secured upon hearing clicking sound.
11.9. Disassembly of SMPS P.C.B.
Follow the (Step 1) - (Step 2) of Item 11.4 - Disassembly of Top Cabinet
Follow the (Step 1) - (Step 4) of Item 11.5 - Disassembly of CD/DVD Changer Unit
Follow the (Step 1) - (Step 4) of Item 11.6 - Disassembly of Rear Panel
Follow the (Step 1) - (Step 3) of Item 11.7 - Disassembly of Main P.C.B.
Follow the (Step 1) - (Step 4) of Item 11.8 - Disassembly of Front Panel Unit
11.10. Replacement of Power Amp IC (SMPS P.C.B.)
Follow the (Step 1) - (Step 2) of Item 11.4 - Disassembly of Top Cabinet
Follow the (Step 1) - (Step 4) of Item 11.5 - Disassembly of CD/DVD Changer Unit
Follow the (Step 1) - (Step 4) of Item 11.6 - Disassembly of Rear Panel
Follow the (Step 1) - (Step 3) of Item 11.7 - Disassembly of Main P.C.B.
Follow the (Step 1) - (Step 4) of Item 11.8 - Disassembly of Front Panel Unit
manual de servicio SC-TM910DVD