Gratin dishes and soufflés
Whether savoury or sweet, cheese dishes and soufflés cook beautifully in the microwave. They cook faster, consuming less electricity
than traditional cooking.
Gratin dishes and soufflés
6 potatoes, peeled
200 ml cream
100 ml milk
1 clove garlic, chopped
Salt, pepper, condiment powder
Grated cheese
Cut the potatoes into rounds 2 cm thick and arrange on a buttered gratin dish. Mix
the milk, cream, garlic, seasoning and spices and pour over the potatoes. Sprinkle
with the cheese. Cook on combination 440 watts microwave for + 220°C convection
15 to 17 minutes.
Gratin dauphinois
Cooking time: around 20 minutes
500 g aubergines
1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
400 g mixed minced meat
Salt, pepper
1 tbsp tomato purée
4 tomatoes (400 g)
Mixed herbs
200 g cheese, sliced
200 ml cream
3 eggs
Salt, pepper
Cut the aubergine into rounds 1 cm thick. Place them in a dish, cover and cook on
the "Vegetables" setting (according to the weight). Mix the onions, garlic, minced
meat, salt, pepper, tomato puree and a little cream. Slice the tomatoes. Fill the glass
dish with alternate layers of aubergine, minced meat, tomatoes and cheese.
Sprinkle each layer of tomatoes with the mixed herbs. Mix the cream, eggs and
seasoning and pour over the moussaka. Cook on combination 250 watts microwave
+ 190°C convection for 15 to 20 minutes.
Cooking time: 17-18 minutes