First digit:
Output operation
Second digit:
Timer operation
Eighth digit:
Sensing mode
Fifth digit:
Third digit:
Response time
Seventh digit:
Customized function
Fourth digit:
M.G.S. function
Sixth digit:
External input mode
The sensitivity can be changed
without changing the response time.
Receiving sensitivity: High
Receiving sensitivity: Medium
Receiving sensitivity: Low
By adjusting the hysteresis,
convexo-concave parts of uneven
objects can be cancelled enabling
more stable sensing.
The sensor judges any object
outside the range of incident light
intensity established by two set
threshold values.
Hysteresis mode
Window comparator mode
By combining two outputs, wide
array of control is possible, allowing
you to detect meandering objects,
for example.
Only rapid changes in light received
are detected, which enable the edge of
glass, etc. to be detected accurately.
Optimal for positioning.
2 independent output modes Differential sensing mode
NG: Over range
NG: Under range
Incident light intensity
To left
To right
4 new modes enabling wide array of sensing
MODE NAVI customized function
Frequently used functions such as response time,
M.G.S. function, data bank load, emission halt function
and D-CODE values can be stored in CUSTOM mode.
The settings are changed easily.
Emission halt function
If you do not want to
place a laser spot in
the visual range of
the image processor,
you can stop the laser
radiation using the
emission halt signal
from the external input.
Cable type allows external input
cable-type amplifier is equipped with an
external input wire (5-core). It is ideal to use the laser
sensor at places where external teaching or laser light
emission halting is to be carried out, or at the places
where the laser sensor is to be used separately.
Interference prevention function
The automatic interference
prevention function prevents
against interference among
up to 4 sensors.
Setting conditions viewed at a glance (D-CODE)
The amplifier setting is shown as an 8-digit code. Handy
for remote indications and follow-ups.
Accurately sense the minutest variations
(M.G.S. function)
When sensing at close range or when the target objects
are transparent or minute, adjust the sensor receiving
sensitivity to one of 3 levels (U-LG mode: 4 levels) for
the optimal setting. In addition, changing the receiving
sensitivity will not effect the response time.
Response time
M.G.S. function
Data bank load
Emission halt function
2 m
6.562 ft
Laser emission halt
External input
Digital Laser Sensor