Settings and Printing
Color mode
Use 4 color (CMYK)
Four colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black) will be used to print the document.
High Black: ON
Prints the black portion of color graphics using only black toner. Black becomes pure
This setting is effective only when printing a line art graphic and has no effect for
photo images.
High Black: OFF
Prints the black portion of color graphics using C (CYAN), M (MAGENTA),
Y (YELLOW) toners.
Use 3 color (CMY)
Three colors (Cyan, Magenta and Yellow) will be used to print the document.
This selection is useful to print drafts because it can print faster than when using four
colors (Cyan, Magenta Yellow and Black).
Selects Smooth or Detail setting. Smooth is suitable for graphics and photographs
because this setting provides smooth graduation. Detail is suitable for detail-oriented
photographs because this setting provides high resolution.