Body scanning
Body scanning is the operation of estimating the shoulder position in order to ensure that massaging is done
matching with the body shape. (Height range of body scanning is about 140 cm to 185 cm.)
Sit back and lean gently back so that
your head touches the pillow.
For adjustment of the position of the pillow. (EN14)
If you have adjusted the reclining before use, the angle
will not change.
approx. 20°
approx. 60°
Body scanning flow
Select one course or
one action, press
The unit body moves
automatically and becomes
reclined to an angle suitable
for body scanning.
Shoulder tapping position is not aligned
is pressed, the body scanning is
completed and the massaging is started.
Press "
" or "
" during the tapping action (about 12 seconds) to
adjust the shoulder height position and press
Moves approx. 1.5 cm up or
down for each press.
The shoulder position can be adjusted from 1 (for shorter persons)
to 20 (for taller persons).