This section provi es in or ation on testing the G450 telephone The layout is as ollo s
1 Section 7 2 E ternal testing escribes e uip ent re uire ents an general set up proce ure
2 Section 7 3 Channel bo test co an s provi es etaile e planation o the i erent co an s available
using the test e uip ent an channel-bo so t are
3 Section 7 4 A ust ent o e escribes a ust ents available on the G450 han hel unit
4 Section 7 5 Lock co e escribes the proce ure to check or reset the lock co e using the Channel boc
so t are
5 Section 7 6 SIM personalisation escribes the proce ure to personalise the telephone to a particular SIM
External Testing
The G450 unit can be connecte to a co patible personal co puter or electronic a ust ent an ault iagnosis
This section provi es a escription o the e uip ent re uire to per or those tasks
Testing an a ust ent o the han hel unit can be per or e ith the outer case in place or in- epth ault
in ing the unit shoul be isasse ble section 5 an the e ten e car use to connect the C s together
e ternally as they oul be oun in nor al use ault tracing can then be per or e on the C s using suitable
test e uip ent such as spectru analysers an oscilloscopes
7.2.1 Jigs and Tools
Test Equipment Descriptions
Inter ace Unit art o I 001 igure 1
The I 001 provi es
oltage regulation ro 12 C input ro po er supply to 7 C output
b RS 232 inter ace Ensures that the Unit Un er Test is supplie ith the correct signalling level an or at
Figure 1:
Inter ace o I 001
ersonal Co puter C
The C I M co patible is use as a Unit Un er Test controller This in con unction ith the channel bo
so t are allo s all o the test acilities nor ally provi e through the keypa o the Unit Un er Test
Section 7
Issue 1
Service Manual
7 - 1
Revision 0