7.5.4 Simple Receiver Test
The ollo ing proce ure gives a etho by hich the Unit Un er Test UUT can be place into a con ition
allo ing the service technician to probe the entire receive R path Input level an re uency can also be speci ie
To per or the ollo ing proce ure the UUT ust irst be place into Test Mo e er or the ollo ing steps
At the C
highlight the C A GE C iel an set the re uire test channel ress E TER
ighlight the SET AGC 1 2 3 iel an enter the re uire gain value
At the GSM test unit input an R signal at the re uire re uency an level
The unit has no been place into a state hich ill allo the receive signal path to be onitore
7.5.5 Simple Transmitter Test
The ollo ing proce ure gives a etho by hich the Unit Un er Test UUT can be place into a con ition
allo ing the service technician to probe the entire trans it R path Input level an re uency can also be
speci ie
To per or the ollo ing proce ure the UUT ust irst be place into Test Mo e er or the ollo ing steps
ighlight the C A GE C iel an set the re uire test channel
ress E TER
ighlight the L iel an set the re uire test po er level
ress E TER
ighlight the T ATA iel an select the re uire o ulation type an ata
ress E TER
The UUT is no in the re uire state to allo probing o the trans it R path
Issue 1
Section 7MCUK97
Revision 0
7- 18
Service Manual