Bearer Service
MMI Service Code
All bearer services
All async services
All synchronous services
All ata synchronous services
All ata asynchronous services
All e icate packet access
All e icate A access
The user is given the ollo ing in or ation an a vise to contact the ealer i the proble s persist
Causes and Solutions
Telephone ill
not s itch on
Check that the battery pack is ully charge an correctly connecte to the telephone
Short battery li e
attery li e is a ecte by the net ork you are using an the con ition o the battery pack
The li e o the battery pack is a ecte by i proper charging this is inherent in all i-M an
i-C batteries To aintain a i u per or ance al ays use until the lo battery arning
an then ully recharge the battery pack To revive the battery pack use the telephone until it
s itches o an then ully recharge three ti es o ever the battery pack ill eventually
ear out an ust be replace ith a ne one
attery level
in icator
oes not light
hen charging
Ia battery is eeply ischarge it ill take a short ti e be ore there is su icient po er in the
telephone to isplay the battery level in icator
The battery pack ust be charge in a te perature no lo er than 5 C an no higher than
35 C
Calls cannot be
a e
Calls cannot be a e hen the telephone is locke or outgoing calls are barre
Check that the telephone is registere to a net ork Move to a coverage area an operate
your telephone a ter it has registere ith a net ork
Calls cannot be
a e ro i e
ial Me ory
Check the telephone nu ber is store in i e ial Me ory or your SIM supports i e ial
Me ory
Calls cannot be
To receive a call the telephone ust be s itche on
Calls cannot be receive hen inco ing calls are barre
E ergency calls
cannot be a e
Check that the antenna sy bol
is isplaye Move to a coverage area an operate your
telephone hen the antenna sy bol is isplaye
nu bers cannot
be recalle
Me ory cannot be recalle hen the telephone is ully locke or i e ial is s itche on
Issue 1
Section 3
Revision 0
3 - 8
Service Manual