Operation and settings
Information on the device status
When the device is ready for operation, the status items show a green dot
and the text
If a problem occurs, a red dot appears along with the word
Exception: The model
AQ Guard
(without weatherproof housing) does not
have an intelligent aerosol drying system (IADS). There is always a red dot
with this model.
The operator can solve some of the problems by calibrating the device.
Please contact Palas or your sales partner when you encounter problems
that cannot be solved with calibration.
Meaning of status information:
Status =
Status =
Volume Flow
The volume flow rate is within the
tolerance range.
The volume flow rate is outside of
the tolerance range. Calibrate the
volume flow rate.
The exhaust fan output is within the
tolerance range.
The exhaust fan output is outside
of the tolerance range. Calibrate
the volume flow rate.
The temperature of the IADS is within
the tolerance range (near the setpoint)
AQ Guard Ambient
The temperature of the IADS is
outside of the tolerance range.
AQ Guard:
No drying system installed.
Sensor Calibration
The sensor calibration data is within
the tolerance range.
The sensor calibration data is
outside of the tolerance range.
Calibrate the particle size with
MonoDust 1500.
Sensor LED
The LED unit signals are within the
tolerance range.
The LED unit signals are outside of
the tolerance range.
Sensor Data
The sensor supplies plausible
measured values,
The measured values are not
Sensor Noise
Little or no electronic interference.
The electronic interference is
outside of the tolerance range.