Horizontal Offset
10 Feet
Vertical Rise
40 Feet
Fig. # 7
Vent Length
40 Feet
Vertical Rise
2 Feet
Total horizontal run must not exceed 10 feet.
Use a maximum of one 90° elbow or two 45°
elbows. If more than 1 elbow is required,
reduce horizontal run by 2 feet for each addi-
tional 90° elbow and 1 foot for each
additional 45° elbow.
A vertical rise of up to 40 feet is permitted with no horizontal
offset. If an offset is required, ensure that the vertical rise is 1
foot greater than the horizontal offset. Horizontal offset must
not exceed 10 feet. Combined vent length must not exceed 40
feet. If more than 2 elbows are used, reduce horizontal run by
2 feet for each additional elbow.
For optimum performance and flame appearance, keep the
vent length to a minimum. Connections between each vent
component must be tightly joined and sealed. A horizontal run
of vent must have a 1/4 inch rise for every 1 foot of run towards
the termination.