Pilot Operating Handbook
Illustrated Parts Manual
In the event of any defect in any part fitted by Pacific Aerospace Corporation Limited in
any of the products (other than any part specified in sub clause 2 hereof) being discovered
within the period of twenty four (24) months after the relevant date of acceptance delivery
date or before the expiration of five hundred (500) hours flying time whichever is the less
and in the event of that defect being proved to be due to defective material or
workmanship Pacific Aerospace Corporation Limited shall subject to the conditions
hereinafter specified as expeditiously as is reasonably possible repair the defective part or
at the option of Pacific Aerospace Corporation Limited supply a new part in place thereof,
in either case free of charge to the Purchaser but Pacific Aerospace Corporation Limited
shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage or any other claims howsoever
arising out of any defect.
If any such part is of an expendable nature with a normal warranty of less than twenty four
(24) months the period of warranty for such part shall be the normal one to that part.
Pacific Aerospace Corporation Limited gives no warranty in relation to any of the products
or parts of products not manufactured by the Pacific Aerospace Corporation Limited
except to the extent that a warranty is granted to the Pacific Aerospace Corporation
Limited by the manufacturer of the product.
So far as is practicable Pacific Aerospace Corporation Limited undertakes to procure the
assignment to the purchaser of the benefit of any rights which Pacific Aerospace
Corporation Limited may have against the manufacturer of products or parts of products
not manufactured by Pacific Aerospace Corporation Limited
Warranty shall apply only to the defects notified to Pacific Aerospace Corporation Limited
within thirty (30) days after discovery and are subject to the aircraft spares, supplies and
parts having been used, handled, stored, maintained and operated in accordance with
sound aviation practice, the limitations imposed by the flight performance envelope and
the instructions issued by Pacific Aerospace Corporation Limited.
Warranty shall not extend to:
Any aircraft or part which has been altered after delivery otherwise than by the Pacific
Aerospace Corporation Limited or with its written approval
Any part from which Pacific Aerospace Corporation Limited trademark or name or serial
number has been removed
Wear and tear or any defect caused by negligence or misuse