Be certain the wall cord is disconnected from the electrical outlet before moving the
wheelchair. Moving the wheelchair without disconnecting the wall cord could result in damage to the
wheelchair, the wall outlet or create a shock hazard condition.
Because you will be connecting and disconnecting AC to the wheelchair, be cau-
doing so in the presence of water (i.e., rain or puddled water). Electrical shock hazard could
be present. Observe caution and safety warnings.
Lead-acid batteries generate gasses which can be explosive. Avoid smoking, sparks
or open flames around charging batteries. Charge in area with adequate ventilation.
Chargers can ignite flammable materials and gasses. Do not use near fuels, grain
dust, solvents, thinners or other flammable materials. Charge in area with adequate ventilation.
Charging Notes:
Regular use of your chair will require regular charging. It is a common misconception that batter-
ies need to be run into deep discharge before recharging. This is not true and can lead to damage
of the batteries if they are discharged too deeply before recharge. Likewise, if batteries are stored
or used for a long period of time without recharge, this may result in permanent damage to the bat-
teries resulting in unreliable operation and shortened battery life. Maximum driving range of your
wheelchair can be obtained if the batteries are fully charged prior to a lengthy trip. Because the
charger is a fully automatic charger, it can be "on charge" for an indefinite period of time without
harm to the batteries.
There are no replaceable fuses in the battery
charger. This charger uses solid state technology to
protect the unit and the batteries until the fault has been removed.
Service/ Troubleshooting:
Should your charger fail to perform:
1. First, check that all connections are properly made for a fully assembled wheelchair. On some
equipment, the charger lines go through the motor plug, so if the motor plug is disconnected for
some reason, then the charger will not function. Likewise, if the batteries are not connected, they
will not receive a charge, and the meter will not give an indication.
2. Check that the wall outlet has power to it. The outlet may be on a switch and will not function
if not switched on.
If these steps fail to produce satisfactory results, please refer to an authorized service center to have
the system fully analyzed.