B. Radiation safety precautions for the use of XR 3500/3700 Real
Time X-ray Inspection System:
It is imperative that the XR 3500/3700 be operated only by trained
personnel who are familiar with the basic safety precautions to be
taken when working with x-ray producing equipment.
1. The key to actuate the x-rays should not be left in the equipment
when the equipment is not being used and is unattended.
2. Operators should not place hands under the leaded acrylic
panel in the front.
3. The equipment should not be operated with any panels
4. Operators should be familiar with the use of the Monitor-4
radiation survey meter.
5. Service of the equipment must be performed by or under the
instruction of trained PACE personnel.
C. Radiation monitoring:
Specific regulations regarding the monitoring of possible radiation
leakage of industrial x-ray cabinets are determined by the individual
state or country. There are a number of measures, which can be taken
to provide a means of cursory monitoring.
D. Radiation survey meters:
Radiation survey meters detect the presence of ionizing radiation and display
a value in units of mR/hr (milli Roentgens per hour). It is generally a good
idea to have, as part of a radiation safety program, a radiation survey meter.
The monitor
–4EC survey meter is available from PACE. The Monitor-4EX
employs an energy compensated G-M tube to measure the presence of
radiation. It is calibrated to Cs-137. The Monitor-4EX can be used to detect
any radiation leakage from x-ray systems.
E. Radiation safety training:
PACE can provide or recommend providers of operation and radiation safety
training to ensure that the facility is in compliance with all state and federal
radiation regulations.