Please read this instruction manual carefully and follow all installation, operating and safety guidelines.
PICO-155S Precision Saw
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ▲
3601 E. 34th St. Tucson, AZ 85713 USA Tel. +1 520-882-6598 Fax +1 520-882-6599 email: [email protected] Web: http://www.metallographic.com
4.2 Changing wafering blade
1. Remove blade locking bolt and remove blade
2. Position new blade into position.
Use only certified wafering blades. See Table IV
for recommended blade for your application
4. Gently tighten blade locking bolt
To prevent shaft from
turning use wrench to
hold in place
Changing Blade
Remove: Loosen by
turning counter-
Tighten: Turn clockwise
4.4a Zeroing the micrometer
1. Turn micrometer on with left button.
2. Press left button again and hold for several
seconds until
“set” starts to blink in the upper right
hand corner of the screen.
3. Press the right button several times until the
numbers read zero.
4. Press the left button to set the number
4.4b Changing between microns and inches
To change between micrometer and inches, turn off
micrometer and then turn back on with left button,
depress right button and hold until the scale changes
-On / Off
-Hold to
reset to zero
-To change
between inches
and microns