Connecting the Recorder
Connectors: BNC female on cam-
era backside
1,5GB HD-SDI interface for HD
signals and RAW
NOTE: The PS-Cam X35 contains at its outputs „P“ signals instead of „PSF“
signals. It is not possible to switch between „P“ and „PSF“. However the PS-
Cam X35 is compatible to a wide range of recorders in HD.
There are several possibilities to mount the recorder on the top of the cam-
era. Depending on your recorder you may have to remove the hand grip of
the PS-Cam X35
4.4. Starting and shutting down
NOTE: To avoid unintentional starts and shut downs the PS-Cam X35 has a
security toggle switch to switch it on/off. For changing its position you have
to pull the lever backwards.
To start and shut down the PS-Cam X35 you just have to switch it on and
If the camera is supplied with power correctly, you will instantly hear the
camera’s ventilation starting up and the camera system will boot up. After ap-
prox. 20 seconds the STATUS LED is illuminated constantly and the camera
is ready.
4.5. Camera Status
The PS-Cam X35 has three letter-marked LEDs on its back side, right of the
on/off switch.
Color illuminated Status
Error (E)
An error has occured. Restart the camera
Record (R) blue
Camera is recording
Status (S) green
Camera is ready to be operated