BC-5010-IVS Face Detection Setup Guide
3. Camera Configuration
3.1 Finding camera using AirLive IP Wizard
The IPCAM’s default IP address is
but this address can change when there
is DHCP server(router) in your network. Therefore, please install AirLive IP wizard to find
your camera.
1. Install the “AirLive IP Wizard” from the installation CD or download it from
2. Run the “setup.exe” and open the AirLive IP Wizard.
3. The IP Wizard will auto search and list out the camera found. Double click on the
camera that you want to configure.
4. The IPCAM’s web configuration will open automatically after double click. Please enter
the “admin” for username and “airlive” for password.
5. After entering the correct username and password. You will enter the camera’s web
configuration page. When prompted to install “Media Control” from “OvisLink Corp”,
please select “Yes” to install.
3.2 Enable Camera’s Video Analytic function
Please use Internet Explorer as the default browser. If you are using IE 11, please go to
“Setup->Compatibility View Settings” and add the camera’s IP address to the list.
Please follow the step below to enable camera’s video analytics function.