send back the information
“Username:username, Password:password”, if the password is not right,
the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information
“Wrong Password”.
3. Check Tracker ID:
The tracker ID is print on the label of the tracker, the S/N number on the label is the ID, Also if the
label is missing, send SMS
“ID*12345678” to tracker, in which, “ID” is the fixed command and
is the password. Having successfully been made, there will be a SMS
”, in which, “830201512345678” is the ID and every tracker corresponds to the only
number. This number is used to differ the tracking uploaded to the website from others. the last 7
digital number of the tracker ID is the user name and password of the tracker on the platform, for
example the tracker ID is : 830201512345678, and then the user name on the platform of this tracker
is : 2345678, and the platform password for this user name also is :2345678,user can login the
platform to change the password.
4. Add / Delete / Check Authorized Number:
The authorized phone number is used to send alarm information by SMS, or use mobile phone to
locate the tracker without platform, if the authorized phone number is not set, then the alarm
information can not send to user by SMS (alarm information, SOS, etc).
4.1. Add authorized phone number by SMS
Send SMS
“ADDPHONE*12345678*A*number”(Not including the quotation marks “ ”, Number
means the telephone number you want authorized, the following is same) to tracker is OK,
“ADDPHONE” is a command;
is password;
“A” is authorized number location, every
tracker have 3 authorized phone number, A and B, and C, so you can set 3 phone numbers, if the add
operation is success, the tracker will send back the information
”Add Authorized Phone OK”, if the
password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information
“Wrong Password”.
4.2. Delete authorized phone number by SMS
Send SMS
“DELETEPHONE*12345678*A” to the tracker, “DELETEPHONE” is a command;
is password;
“A” is authorized phone number location, there are 3 locations “A” and “B”
“C”; if the delete operation is success, the tracker will send back the information ”Delete Authorized
Phone OK
”, if the password is not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information
“Wrong Password”.
4.3. Check authorized phone number by SMS
Send SMS
“CHECKPHONE*12345678” to tracker, “CHECKPHONE” is a command;