Operation & menu structure
"R-Tronic" + "R-Con"
"Party mode" (required temperature during a defined period)
The "party mode" adjusts the room to your required temperature during a de
fined period. The heating profile can be inactivated temporarily. Contrary to
the temperature modification via a set value (see paragraph 4.8.2), the "party
mode" will be active during a certain period which is adjustable between one
and 24 hours.
You are in the submenu FUNCTIONS. Confirm this selection by pressing
the Menu-button. BOOST will be displayed as before. Turn the
Menu-button to the right until PARTY MODE will be displayed. Press the
Menu-button twice.
Set the period during which your required temperature shall be active. It
can be set with an accuracy of 10 minutes.
(Illustration 66)
Enter your required degree.
(Illustration 67)
4. Activate your settings by pressing the Menu-button. The message
PARTY MODE ACTIVE will appear in the text line of the display.
A period and a required temperature is set now and your radiator will be
regulated accordingly.
The programmed PARTY MODE can be
at any time. To do so, se
lect the sub-menu FUNCTIONS
PARTY MODE and turn the Menu-button
completely to the right. The active PARTY MODE is cancelled by confirming
the selection
. Alternatively, you can keep the Return-button
pressed for several seconds..