6.3 Key Input Processing (with numeric keypad function)
(1) Processing outline
a. When any key is pressed in the standby state, key input processing occurs and the content of input is
displayed at the bottom of the LCD right justified. When the <CLR> key is pressed, the display disappears.
b. When a key is pressed with key buffer full, the top characters are discarded by the overflow from the left
end. Data is transmitted in ASCII format (16 characters max.).
c. When the <SEND> key is pressed, the display starts blinking. Then, the data display is cleared by
communication normal and returns to the standby state.
d. If communication is not completed and communication results in failure, the display indicates
"Communication error" and returns to the standby state.
e. When the interval between key operations exceeds 10 seconds, the display indicates "Key input error" and
returns to the standby state.
f. During input processing, card input processing is not accepted. (Card interrupt is turned off.)
g. If Reception disabled is received from the host system in the key data response, the display indicates "Key
input error" and returns to the standby state.
Host system
Send response
Card reader
Active mode
Display clear
Host system
Send response
Card reader
Polling mode
Display clear
Data request
Fig. 6.4